
What is the DCS?

The DCS is a fully interactive application that can be used on the web, on your digital tablet, or on your computer. Six jumps ahead of a fillable PDF where everything has to be entered and edited by hand, the DCS keeps track of your character’s information cleanly, easily, and automatically.

Beyond storing skills and characteristics, the DCS also keeps track of equipment: use our catalog to give your character equipable weapons, armor, and gear. Modifiers from gear, armor, weapons, and cybernetics are auto discovered and can be added to your roll.

Play anytime, anywhere: with cloud storage, you can access your character sheet from any device. Forgot your dice bag? The Digital Character Sheet includes a dice­roller, which allows you to select as many dice as you need ­ even enough to fire a PGMP.

New to Mongoose Traveller? The Digital Character Sheet makes using skills, equipment intuitive, and helps with combat.

During combat the Digital Character Sheet tracks your character’s initiative and reactions, as well as the amount of ammunition used and damage taken. Simply select weapons and equipment from your inventory and the do the rest, no need to worry about accidentally forgetting a modifier or leaving something out of your calculations. All the information you need is right at your fingertips: focus on the firefight, not flipping through the book to find the stats for your gun.

The Digital Character Sheet is flexible. New to Boon or Bane Rolls? The Digital Character Sheet makes them trivial. Is what you want to do somehow not covered? Not a problem. It’s just as easy to roll dice, and enter your own themselves into, especially the sticky ones!

Finally, the DCS not only allows you to enter hand generated characters into it, but it also can load any character created with RPG Suite’s Traveller Character Generator.

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